26 February 2012


Just wanted to share a quote that I found while exploring other teacher blogs (There are a TON of these out there nowadays! The good ones can serve as a great resource for students, parents, student teachers, and veteran teachers alike!)

"In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have" -Lee Iacocca 

This quote speaks mountains about the value that society SHOULD place on teaching.  In one of my pre-professional courses last semester we talked about the issue of teaching being "semi professional" or "professional."  I would strongly argue that teaching is one of the highest professional professions because teachers CREATE all other professions.  Without teachers society would not have advanced as quickly, education affects everyone and the world will always need teachers to create the next generations politicians, doctors, lawyers, and everything in between!

Teachers help us learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow!

23 February 2012

Great Classroom Resource!

So as an education student, organization is key!! I'm sure I speak for all my fellow Elementary Ed majors that you collect EVERYTHING!! Papers, activities, samples, anything that you feel you might use in a future class - you make a copy of.  This morning I began cleaning out my storage room and came across some papers from my very first classroom experience. 
DJ Inkers Website (School Section)

 My very first classroom observations was in a kindergarten room where I worked with a wonderful teacher for 2 full years! She introduced me to this designer and I absolutely LOVE this style! I am a 'scrapbooker' in what little free time I have and I love using her products in my books.

Now for teachers, this can be a great way to make those boring papers that you are required to make (a letter home to parents for example) a little more interesting :D The website also has a section for FREEBIES! (what college student wouldn't want free stuff??)

22 February 2012

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello! This is my first blog so bare with me! I think I should start off with a little bit about me and why I want to be a teacher.

My name is Erica and I am 21 years old.

My Cat, Pepper Ann.  She is spoiled rotten!
My boyfriend of 5 years Christopher

I have always wanted to be a teacher, as far back as I can remember.  I was always the student who loved learning and coming to school.  Even when I came home, I would gather up all my stuffed animals and we would play school in my basement classroom.  I was always the teacher and I would give my "students" worksheets and read them my story books.  When I was younger the thing that attracted me to teaching was the creative aspect. I always thought about how I would decorate my future classroom and all the fun projects that I would have my students do. 

Now that I am older, I want to make a difference. I know it sounds cheesy but, I want my students to learn and grow with my help.  If I could impact just one student's life, all this college would be worth it!! But hopefully I can positively impact more than one! :D

Being a college student is one thing, but being an education student is a very different world and I am so excited to be on this wonderful adventure!