22 February 2012

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello! This is my first blog so bare with me! I think I should start off with a little bit about me and why I want to be a teacher.

My name is Erica and I am 21 years old.

My Cat, Pepper Ann.  She is spoiled rotten!
My boyfriend of 5 years Christopher

I have always wanted to be a teacher, as far back as I can remember.  I was always the student who loved learning and coming to school.  Even when I came home, I would gather up all my stuffed animals and we would play school in my basement classroom.  I was always the teacher and I would give my "students" worksheets and read them my story books.  When I was younger the thing that attracted me to teaching was the creative aspect. I always thought about how I would decorate my future classroom and all the fun projects that I would have my students do. 

Now that I am older, I want to make a difference. I know it sounds cheesy but, I want my students to learn and grow with my help.  If I could impact just one student's life, all this college would be worth it!! But hopefully I can positively impact more than one! :D

Being a college student is one thing, but being an education student is a very different world and I am so excited to be on this wonderful adventure!


  1. Erica,

    Your blog is a great idea because all of us fellow elementary education students can truly relate to how you feel. I also feel that as a teacher I want to make a difference and really help my students grow. I think in order to be an effective and caring teacher, you need to be empathetic towards your students and really want to help. I am excited to see what else you have in store for your upcoming posts.


  2. Making a difference is really what it's all about! I spent the majority of my life working retail jobs and always felt so discouraged. I wanted to feel needed, but every retail job I had was one that anybody could do. Becoming a teacher, you are able to put yourself into your job and turn it into its own type of yourself. It makes you as an individual feel special and needed.

  3. Erica, you are so creative! I love the background and the topic you chose to blog about. Oh, and I love your kitty! I am looking forward to reading more of your posts and to learn about more education resources!

  4. Being a teacher takes a lot of work, but i think we all have what it take to get the job done. You have to have the want to do it and want to give all that you can for the students. Your cat is adorable.

  5. Erica,

    You are so creative! I really like the way you designed your blog page! As a child, I also dreamed about becoming a teacher. I would always play school with my friends and family, and of course I had to be the teacher! I consider myself to be creative, which explains my passion for fashion!

    As future educators, I think we all want to change our students lives and help them succeed. I hope we can impact and inspire all of our future students! We have a long road ahead of us, but at least we are not in this alone!

    Great blog, and I cannot wait to read more! :)

  6. Erica,

    great blog! I love the quote you included, it is truly motivational. It is so great that you have such a positive attitude towards teaching and learning. I enjoyed reading your blog and I look forward to reading more. Oh and your cat is cute! :)

  7. Erica,

    "If I could impact just one student's life, all this college would be worth it!! But hopefully I can positively impact more than one! :D" I loved this statement. I follow that also. It is so true and I hope to also one day impact my students lives.
