07 March 2012

Classroom Management Tips

My management plan has been the number one thing on my to-do list lately! I know I'm going to be a teacher and procrastination shouldn't be in my vocab, however, I am still your average college student. I have slightly more than 5 days to complete an entire classroom management plan and I have just begun! Panic mode has started setting in, thankful the internet has plenty of resources for teachers to "steal." I love the quote that Harry K. Wong states "You are looking at the biggest burglar in the entire world!"

I found a few websites that might help when working on a classroom management plan.
Super Teacher Worksheets
The Teacher's Guide: Classroom Management Page
Sample Classroom Management Powerpoint
Classroom Management Printables

Most of the resources that I have found when searching for classroom management are examples and sample plans that teachers have used and designed. I hope some of these websites help for my fellow future teachers and that you all make very successful management plans!

Remember is okay to steal :D


  1. Erica,
    I really empathize with you on the procrastination thing! The funny thing is though is that I am CONSTANTLY doing homework and it still just feels like a tiny piece chipped off of the list of things to do! I still have to start preparing for my classroom manangement plans too.. so I really appreciate the fact that you have shared some links with us. Sometimes we don' t always know where to find resources and tools that may truly benefit us, so I think it's great when someone shares what they find. Good luck with your management project-- looking forward to seeing it!
    PS: You did a nice job creating a classroom layout in your previous blog!

  2. Erica,

    I felt the same way when I worked on my classroom management plan! I feel like there is just SO much to do, I don't have time to start early for any of my assignments! I'm glad you posted some links to give others ideas! Great job! :)
