01 March 2012

Designing The Perfect Classroom

Classroom Management is a skill unique to classroom teachers.  To my knowledge, no other profession must learn how to manage a room of roughly 25 children!  This course includes everything that teachers are required to do and create in order for their classroom to function and the children to learn and become engaged.  My ideal grade would be first grade.  The students are full of life and excitement for learning.  Part of any classroom management course involves creating your ideal classroom, from the layout, rules, technology, procedures, and expectations. 
Several Different Sample Classroom Layouts
I believe the most important part of this process is the layout because all the other "stuff" depends on how your room is set up. Do students need to leave the room to get backpacks or use the restrooms? Do you have an area for circle time/group lessons? Where is your desk compared to the students? All of these questions are vital to deciding what rules and procedures you want to put in place. While attempting to create my ideal classroom layout I came across many different websites that can be used.  Most of them are NOT good for designing classrooms! They are more advanced and better suited for designing homes. The BEST website I have found is Classroom Architect! This is the website used to create the examples on the first website.  My only complaint would be that you have to make your own shape for the door, windows, bulletin boards, and white boards.  I guess I can't be picky because I am sure not going to turn a job offer down because the classroom layout was less than ideal ;D 


  1. First and foremost, thank you for sharing the website with us.:) I will check it out later and hopefully use it to design my classroom for our management class.
    Classroom management is such an important part, if not the most important part of teaching. Erica, you were absolutely right when you mentioned that the layout of the classroom determines many other factors which are vital to a well managed classroom.
    I love the layout of your blog, I wish sosblogs offered the same layout as blogspot does :(

  2. Erica,

    Thanks for sharing the website! I will make sure to use it when doing my classroom management also! I agree with you, I think that classroom management is very important for teachers. They have to be able to control their students and get many things accomplished in one day. People don't realize how hard it actually is to be a teacher!

  3. Erica,

    This website is awesome! It will be a great tool to use when we are doing our classroom management plans. Your idea for your blog is a great one and I love the layout you've chosen. I'm looking forward to keeping up with your blog posts!

  4. I agree with other comments...this website is a great resource to get a good visualization of your classroom's "look." Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. Erica,

    I think I speak for everyone else when I say that we are forever in your debt! I don't know how you found this website but it is awesome and it comes just in time for our Classroom Management Project. So THANK YOU!!!

  6. Erica,

    Classroom management is extremely important for a teacher! It helps keep the students in routine and allows us to get more things accomplished! Many teachers today seem to have a hard time with classroom management, I hope we will be prepared so we don't have many problems!
    Also, great link! I used this for my classroom management plan!
