14 March 2012

Last Day at Beckham Academy

Today was my last day at Beckham Academy with the third grade boys! I was surprised how upset I was leaving and knowing I would not be coming back next week.  When I first started this placement I was terrified because of the neighborhood and the location.  But this class was well worth it! Everyone of the students I worked with was bright and energetic.  I will miss them all very much!

Before lunch today they all surprised me by giving me a good bye card.  Mr. Williams also gave me a copy of the book "Some things are Scary" that all the students had signed. I was so thankful that all the students worked hard and were genuinely upset that I was leaving.  I think that these students have so few good role models that they were sad to see one of them leave.

I did promise to come back before the school year ends and visit them again! This will truly be a class that I will never forget!

1 comment:

  1. Erica,

    This is so sweet! I am going to miss my kids too! You truly form a great relationship with them and it so hard to just leave, but I also promised I would go back and visit! :)
